Working in feature branches is another common scenario. It's rare to code directly against master. Usually developers will create a branch, make their changes, and then merge the branch back into master.
Create a new branch called "description_fix"
Modify the description in the "index.html" file
Switch back to the master branch
Change the description meta tags in the "index.html" file
Merge in the "description_fix" branch
Resolve merge conflicts with VS Code
Push changes to Github
Click the "master" branch label in the status bar
Select "Create new branch"
Enter "description_fix" as the branch name
Change the content of the "description" meta tags to be "I ate a big red candle. I love lamp"
Stage and commit the changes to the branch as in the previous exercise
Click on the "description_fix" label in the status bar
Switch back to the master branch
Modify the "description" metatags to be "I enjoy lamp"
Stage and commit the changes to the master branch
Open the Command Palette (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P)
Select "Git: Merge Branch"
Select the "description_fix" branch
VS Code will immediately warn that there are merge conflicts